Monday, June 14, 2010

IBM Rational Innovate2010 Day 1, part 1 - Steve Greenberg

Steve Greenberg is an invention groupie. Born into a family of patent filers, Steve has always recognized the importance of America's inventors. That's why he wrote a book about America's garage inventors, called GADGET NATION: A Journey Through The Eccentric World of Invention.  Steve is also on the board of the United Inventors Association (UIA). For the UIA, Steve produced and hosted a 10-part educational video series on What Every Inventor Needs To Know.  As "The Innovation Insider," Steve travels the country looking for innovative products.  Each month, Steve can be seen demonstrating innovative products on television programs seen in America's largest television markets including New York City, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Miami, Washington, DC and Houston.  Read more about Steve

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